Hey All,
wanted to pass some images from the workshop listed below. Lots of fun, our
friend Beau Raymond was an awesome host. Got to visit The Roswell Clay
Center, great environment, people, and impressive ceramic works. Pavel and I
worked side-by-side witch I think is great for participants, because we work so
differently. I always joke that there is an imaginary line down the middle
of our studio at home because Pavel works with porcelain and I work with a nice
rust colored terra-cotta. You can almost see the line in this image!!! Pavel
showed participates how to make a mold using plaster and I build a pillow
person. We had a great time and as always learned new things ourselves.
Happy Making!
Check out the following links
Beau Raymond http://www.beauraymondclay.com/
Pavel Amromin http://pavelamromin.com
The Roswell Clay Center :http://www.roswellclaycollective.com/
Johns Creek Art Center http://johnscreekarts.org/