Doing a demo at funke fired arts in cincinnati ohio, images to come
SURFACE + FORM | Traditions and InnovationsJanuary 28-30, 2011Cincinnati, Ohio
Hosted by Funke Fired Arts
Meredith Host, Tammy Marinuzzi, Rene Murray, Jeremy Randall,
Ellen Shankin and gwendolyn yoppolo.
Ellen Shankin and gwendolyn yoppolo.
Keynote Speaker: Tom Unzicker
Complete details and more information about the Potters Council Conference:
Hands-on: Participants will learn to construct expressive vessels/sculpture, with soft slabs, using handbuilding techniques. Attendees will gain experience in experimenting with sgraffitio, sprigging, slip trailing and learn how to apply stains, oxide washes and terra sigillata to build layers and bring out surface details.
Get funkyfied, and embrace the wonky. In this presentation Tammy will demonstrate how to work with soft thin slabs to build both functional and sculptural forms. The demonstration will cover the use of templates, altering, and darting, but more importantly it will focus on listening to the form. Participants will concentrate on recognizing irregularities in the form, and using those irregularities to drive aesthetics and concepts.